Filling Your Talent Gap With People, Global Services And Digital Automation

Cybyrotek Develops:

Energy Automation Processes Through The Cybyrotek Automation Center of Excellence (ACE) Successes include:
  • Global process energy automation that deploys digital & mobile productivity tools & solutions to save time & money
  • Business intelligence energy automation that provides quick, accurate reports to make strong business decisions
  • Forecasting energy automation that allows organizations to plan initiatives based on probability & predictive analysis, removing the guesswork from strategic decisions
  • Simple energy automation that performs repeatable actions currently done by human employees, freeing employees to work on more important initiatives
  • Compliance automation that scans thousands of transactions in seconds to find violations and red flags often overlooked
  • Bridging automation that can transport data between legacy systems no longer requiring manual, double entry

Infrastructure Support Services to Keep Vital Systems Running Smoothly Successes include:
  • Repeatable, high-quality delivery through ISO 9001 & 27001 certification
  • Innovative resources like Cybyrotek Labs, Cybyrotek Expert Network and Independent Partners
  • Expert cloud implementation through Cybyrotek’ automated cloud management dashboard, Sirro
  • Proven recruiting practices to locate top talent, staffing hard-to-fill positions

Application Development to Gain Efficiencies & Manage Dispersed Teams Successes include:
  • Development & deployment of custom applications, including mobile
  • Repeatable energy automation that streamlines processes while reducing human error & increasing savings
  • Deployment & support of major enterprise applications that maximize former IT investments
  • Unbiased evaluation of COTS solutions through our proprietary COTS application evaluation card
  • Use of proven project accelerators & frameworks that jump starts success, efficient delivery and deployment
Business Intelligence to Provide Data That Reinforces Business Decisions Successes include:
  • Expertise in multiple BI platforms like SharePoint, Open Text, and FileNet to pinpoint perfect solutions
  • Providing vital insight into business data through real-time data reporting
  • Improved operational efficiency via trend analysis
  • Enhanced system performance with access to historical data
  • Multiple delivery centers across the globe to ensure fast, efficient delivery & support
  • Utilizing knowledge of more than 300 BI consultants to develop custom solutions perfect for your business


Cybyrotek Digital Health Solutions

About Us

With a strong knowledge base gained from years of managing healthcare clients, Cybyrotek Digital Health Solutions (CDHS) offers a wide range of transformative, next-gen digital health solutions. We are well-positioned to partner with key stakeholders across the healthcare continuum, including payer organizations, care providers, government agencies and companies focused on life-sciences, biotechnology and the provision of medical devices.

CDHS offers digital capabilities that leverage Big Data Analytics, AI & Machine Learning, Intelligent Process Automation, IoT & Cloud. Our in-depth understanding of the healthcare ecosystem, technological know-how and partnerships with strategic technology providers increases the value of our services to our clients.

We utilize AI/ML architecture and data platforms on the cloud to gather data and develop key business insights in the areas of chronic disease management, modernization of data management systems and regulatory compliance for our clients. These insights help our clients to develop effective strategies for reducing healthcare expenditure; enhancing patient care and quality; and, improving overall business efficiency and revenue.


Intelligent process automation (IPA) helps organizations automate processes in order realize efficiencies and mitigate risk.

For pharmacovigilance professionals, IPA also means acceleration. PVAutomate leverages IPA to help PV professionals at all levels increase their case intake while dramatically reducing the inefficiencies and errors that lead to lost time and money.

With our advanced rules engine, experienced PV professionals can set the terms for data inclusion,exclusion, and the threshold for triggering an alert in the proactive identification of safety signals

Unique features include:
  • Customizable report templates
  • Scalability to millions of records
  • Automated workflows & data management
  • Customizable case management settings
  • Configurable dashboards
  • AI-informed single source of truth

Success Story: Cybyrotek Earns Top 3 Supplier on FinTech National Talent Delivery Program.

Cybyrotek Acquires Princeton Information, Furthering Dedication to Financial Services Industry.

Spotlight: Anti-Money Laundering (AML).

Spotlight: Banking Process Automation, BI & the Cloud to Modernize Operations.

Cybyrotek Solutions Snapshot: Financial Services Cloud Enablement Proof of Concept.

AWS in the Finance Industry.

Cybyrotek Delivers Solutions to Improve Processes & Finds & Trains Top Talent to Fulfill the Government’s Growing IT Need

Taxpayers expect their government systems — at every level — to be safe, secure and efficient. Government entities are ready to trade in their outdated, inefficient hardware & software for technology that is easily maintained, can adapt to changing needs and provides the necessary security at the touch of a button.

As the public sector moves towards cloud-based solutions, it is increasingly important to employ security protocols to fend off sophisticated hacking threats. Today, CTOs are searching for top talent to operate, maintain and train personnel — while keeping up with government regulations and the changing threat matrix.

Cybyrotek Holistically Looks at Manufacturing Process Automation to Craft Solutions, Fitting Unique Internal and External Needs

The manufacturing industry is going through vast changes as consumers demand immediate, best-in-class products quickly. Intense speed-to-market pressures are forcing companies to look beyond ‘the way things used to be done’ & take a serious look at back-end integration & improvements throughout the entire product lifecycle. CTOs are also exploring manufacturing process automation as a means of revolutionizing efficiency when it comes to weeding through large volumes of customer data to guide business & production decisions.

Cybyrotek Bridges Legacy Systems Through Powerful Automation & Provides Valuable Insight Through Business Intelligence Solutions

The retail industry has seen a mountain of change over the last 10 years. In an industry where a new ERP or POS system would last 5-10 years before needing an overhaul, retailers are now dealing with outdated software every 6 months to a year.

Known as the industry that is ‘data rich but information poor,’ retailers are searching for ways to understand their customers — both instore & online — to make smart business decisions towards growth. As their digital footprint grows — whether it be via email, text, bots, mobile apps or in-store technology, this data provides valuable insight into the needs of a fickle customer base.